Horsemanship Habits
Master these everyday Horsemanship Habits
Welcome to your Everyday Horsemanship Habits library
Halters and haltering
Attatching a rope to a halter
The Barn Knot
Leading well
Picking up the feet part 1
Picking up the feet part 2
Introduction to tying up
Preparation for tying up
Tying "dos & don'ts"
The John Wayne or Bank Robber's Knot
Practical use of knots
The Stockman's bowline knot
Preparation for bridling
Removing the halter under the bridle
Tying mecate reins
Why we untie mecate reins
Saddling demonstration
First saddling - accept the pad
First saddling - accept the saddle
The Packer's Knot
Putting up your cinches
Preparation for mounting
Mounting demonstration
Teaching mount from a fence part 1
Mount from a fence part 2
Mount from a fence - the end product
The "4 Yeses" on the ground
The "3 Essentials" - lateral flexion
lateral flexion on the ground
Lateral flexion in the saddle
The "3 Essentials" - hindquarter yields
Hindquarter yields on the ground
Hindquarter yields (indirect rein) in the saddle
Hindquarter yields (indirect rein) in motion
The "go button"
The "3 Essentials" - the "go button"